Day Three Poster Session

Date: 27 June, 2024
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Venue: Orchid Ballroom

SPD Hashing Network for Fast Image Set Classification and Retrieval
Poster ID: 122
Authors: xiaxin wang (NJUST), Lixuan Zong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Xiaobo Shen (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

Mining Contrastive Loss for Kinship Verification
Poster ID: 123
Authors: Boxuan Hu, Yunhao Xu, Junlin Hu (Beihang University)

Bayesian Neural Network For Personalized Federated Learning Parameter Selection
Poster ID: 124
Authors: Mengen Luo (Tsinghua University), Ercan E. Kuruoglu (Tsinghua University)

A Division Based Neuron for Neural Networks
Poster ID: 125
Authors: Jaelen C Dixon (Howard University), Jiang Li (Howard University)

Path-based Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Knowledge Graph
Poster ID: 126
Authors: Shuzhi Liu (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University), Shimin Di (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Jianwen Peng (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University), Quanming Yao (Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University)

Adaptive Graph Normalized Sign Algorithm
Poster ID: 127
Authors: Changran Peng (Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School), Yi Yan (Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School), Ercan E Kuruoglu (Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School)

Optimized Vision Transformer Training using GPU and Multi-threading
Poster ID: 128
Authors: Jonathan Ledet (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Ashok Kumar (University of Louisiana at Lafayette), Dominick Rizk (The Catholic University of America), Rodrigue Rizk (University of South Dakota), KC Santosh (University of South Dakota)

Automatic Radar Waveform Design
Poster ID: 129
Authors: Vctor Manuel Hidalgo (National Aeronautical Company of Chile), Christian Munoz (Diego Portales University)

Diversified Sequential Recommendation via Evolutionary Multi-Objective Transfer Optimization
Poster ID: 130
Authors: Wei Zhou (Shenzhen University), Xiaolong Luo (Shenzhen University), Hongyue Bao (Shenzhen University), Zexuan Zhu (Shenzhen University)

Incremental Random Forest for Unsupervised Learning
Poster ID: 131
Authors: Li-Chiao Wang (National Tsing Hua University), Wei Liu (University of Technology Sydney), Chung-Shou Liao (National Tsing Hua University)

Local and Global Guidance for Multi-Complementary Label Learning
Poster ID: 132
Authors: Cheng Chen, Ivor W Tsang

Ship Trajectory Prediction Using AIS Data With Transformer-Based AI
Poster ID: 133
Authors: Koya Takahashi (Kanagawa Institute of Technology), Kaito Zama (Kanagawa Institute of Technology)), Noriko F. Hiroi (Kanagawa Institute of Technology)

Study on Stochastic Gradient Descent Without Explicit Error Backpropagation with Momentum
Poster ID: 134
Authors: Shahrzad Mahboubi (Shonan Institute of Technology), Hiroshi Ninomiya (Shonan Institute of Technology)

Privacy-Preserving Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Sensitive Healthcare Data
Poster ID: 135
Authors: Yukai Xu (Kyushu University), Jingfeng Zhang (University of Auckland), Yujie Gu (Kyushu University)

A Study of the Generalisability of CNNs for Disease Prediction
Poster ID: 136
Authors: Thashil Naidoo (University of Pretoria), Nelishia Pillay (University of Pretoria)

Evaluating Temporal Fidelity in Synthetic Time-series Electronic Health Records
Poster ID: 137
Authors: Emmanuella Budu (Halmstad University), Amira Soliman (Halmstad University), Thorsteinn Ro ̈gnvaldsson (Halmstad University), Farzaneh Etminani (Halmstad University)

TelLungNet - Enabling Telemedicine Utilizing an Improved U-Net Lung Image Segmentation
Poster ID: 138
Authors: Rifat Al Mamun Rudro (American International University-Bangladesh), Api Alam (American International University-Bangladesh), Shafin Talukder (American International University-Bangladesh), Tanvir Ahmed (American International University-Bangladesh), Nayma Islam (American International University Bangladesh (AIUB), Kamruddin Nur (American International University-Bangladesh)

Prediction of Successful Memory Formation during Audiovisual Advertising Using EEG Signals
Poster ID: 139
Authors: Vangelis P. Oikonomou (Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CERTH-ITI), Kostas Geordiadis (Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CERTH-ITI), Fotis P. Kalaganis (Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CERTH-ITI), Spiros Nikolopoulos (Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CERTH-ITI), Ioannis Kompatsiaris (Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CERTH-ITI)

Artificial Intelligence for Modeling Complex Treatment Decisions in Aortic Valve Intervention
Poster ID: 140
Authors: Jie Jun Wong (National Heart Centre Singapore), Glades Tan (National Heart Centre Singapore), Xinliu Zhong (National University of Singapore), Kay Woon Ho (National Heart Centre Singapore), Vincent Wei Jun Sim (National Heart Centre Singapore), Si Yong Yeo (Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine), Angela S. Koh (National Heart Centre Singapore)

Stage-Aware Brain Graph Learning for Alzheimer's Disease
Poster ID: 141
Authors: Ciyuan Peng (Federation University Australia), Mujie Liu (Federation University Australia), Chenxuan Meng (Zhejiang Gongshang University), Sha Xue (Southern Medical University), Kathleen Keogh (Federation University Australia), Feng Xia (RMIT University)

Retrieval Augmented MedLM
Poster ID: 142
Authors: Sharmila Devi (AI Consultant, AI Services, Google Cloud Consulting (GCC)), Gopala Dhar (AI Engineer, AI Services, Google Cloud Consulting (GCC)), Chaitanya Bharadwaj (Head of Clinical AI, Apollo247), Abdussamad M (Technical Lead, Apollo247)

Machine and Deep Learning Based Clinical Decision Making for Coronary Artery Disease and Chatbot Tool
Poster ID: 143
Authors: Vincent Sim (National Heart Centre Singapore), Glades Tan (National Heart Centre Singapore), Xinliu Zhong (National University of Singapore), Terrance Chua (National Heart Centre Singapore), Jie Jun Wong (National Heart Center Singapore), Si Yong Yeo (NTU), Angela S. Koh (National Heart Centre Singapore)

Multimodal Fusion of EEG and Eye Data for Attention Classification using Machine Learning
Poster ID: 144
Authors: Debanga Raj Neog (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati), Indrani Paul Roy (North-Eastern Hill University,Shillong)

W-Net: Two-Stage Segmentation for Multi-Center Kidney Ultrasound
Poster ID: 145
Authors: Yu-Chi Chang (Graduate Institute of Library Information and Archival Studies, National Chengchi University), Chung-Ming Lo (National Chengchi University Graduate Institute of Library, Information, and Archival Studies), Yi-Kong Chen (Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital), Ping-Hsun Wu (Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital), Hsing Luh (Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University)

Natural Language Processing to Estimate Recist Response in Cancer Patients
Poster ID: 146
Authors: Sara Contu (Centre Antoine Lacassagne), Renaud Schiappa (Centre Antoine Lacassagne), Emmanuel Chamorey (Centre Antoine Lacassagne)

3D Reconstruction and Estimation from Single-view 2D Image by Deep Learning – A Survey
Poster ID: 147
Authors: Yongfeng Shan (University of Technology Sydney), Christy Jie Liang (University of Technology Sydney), Min Xu (University of Technology Sydney)

Multimodal Fusion for Effective Recommendations on a User-Anonymous Price Comparison Platform
Poster ID: 148
Authors: Merve G¨ul Kantarcı ( Research and Development Center iLab ˙Istanbul, Turkey) ,Mehmet Gönen (Koç University)

Representation Learning and Knowledge Distillation for Lightweight Domain Adaptation
Poster ID: 149
Authors: Sayed Rafay Bin Shah (Department of Electrical Power Engineering, South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences), Shreyas Subhash Putty (Department of Electrical Power Engineering, South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences), Andreas Schwung (Department of Electrical Power Engineering, South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences)

Reinforcement Learning for Strategic Airport Slot Scheduling: Analysis of State Observations and Reward Designs
Poster ID: 150
Authors: Anh Duy Nguyen (Air Traffic Management Research Institute, Nanyang Technological Univerisity), Duc-Thinh Pham (Air Traffic Management Research Institute, ATMRI - Nanyang Technological University), Jian-Yi Lye (School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University), Duong Ta (School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University)

Comparison of Metaheuristic Algorithms for Photovoltaic Systems Allocation in a Power Distribution Feeder
Poster ID: 151
Authors: Brian Jaramillo-Leon (São Paulo State University, Polytechnic of Porto), José Almeida (GECAD-Polytechnic of Porto), Joao Soares (GECAD, Polytechnic of Porto), Sergio Zambrano-Asanza (CENTROSUR, São Paulo State University), Jonatas B. Leite (São Paulo State University), Zita Vale (GECAD/Polytechnic of Porto)

Self-Supervised Modular Architecture for Multi-Sensor Anomaly Detection and Localization
Poster ID: 152
Authors: Mohammed Ayalew Belay (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Adil Rasheed (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Pierluigi Salvo Rossi (NTNU)

Route Planning through Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Axis Motion Control
Poster ID: 153
Authors: Ting-Ching Lee (National Tsing Hua University), Jia-He Tee (National Tsing Hua University), Chuan-Kang Ting (National Tsing Hua University)

Astro-Det: Resident Space Object Detection for Space Situational Awareness
Poster ID: 154
Authors: Yuhang Zhang (Nanyang Technological University), Rangya Zhang (Nanyang Technological University), Qianlei Jia (Nanyang Technological University), Jiaping Xiao (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Lu Bai (Nanyang Technological University), Mir Feroskhan (Nanyang Technological University)

On the Road to Clarity: Exploring Explainable AI for World Models in a Driver Assistance System
Poster ID: 155
Authors: Mohamed Roshdi (University of Lübeck), Julian Petzold (University of Lübeck), Mostafa Wahby (Universität zu Lübeck), Hussein Ebrahim (University of Lübeck), Mladen Berekovic (Universität zu Lübeck), Heiko Hamann (University of Konstanz)

A Knowledge Guided Multi-Population Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Workflow Scheduling Problem
Poster ID: 156
Authors: Jingyuan Xu (Sourthern University of Science and Technology), Jiajian Yang (Southern University of Science and Technology), Peiru Li (Southern University of Science and Technology), Ziming Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology), Changwu Huang (Southern University of Science and Technology), Xin Yao (Southern University of Science and Technology)

µPose: Synthetic Dataset for Human Pose Estimation in Microgravity Environments
Poster ID: 157
Authors: Luís Fernando de Souza Cardoso (Ilmenau University of Technology), Tobias Schwandt (Ilmenau University of Technology), Wolfgang Broll (Ilmenau University of Technology)

A Review of Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence (DCAI) and Its Impact on Manufacturing Industry: Challenges, Limitations, and Future Directions
Poster ID: 158
Authors: Michael Nieberl (BMW AG), Alexander Zeiser (BMW AG), Holger Timinger (University of Applied Sciences Landshut)

Optimizing Demand Forecasting: A Framework With Bayesian Optimization Embedded Reinforcement Learning for Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization
Poster ID: 159
Authors: Zizhe Wang (Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR), Xiaofeng Yin (Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR), Yun Hui Lin (Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Ping Chong Chua (Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Ning Li (Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Xiuju Fu (Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR Singapore)

Advancing Safety and Robustness: Perception-Planning System of an Autonomous Vehicle for Last Mile Delivery
Poster ID: 160
Authors: Joseph De Guia (NTU Singapore, Mapua University), Sai Datta (NTU Singapore), Jheanel Estrada (NTU Singapore), Zhigang Yu (NTU Singapore), Cheng Hun Oh (NTU Singapore), Bradly Lomotan (NTU Singapore) Gil Opina Jr (NTU Singapore), Anshuman Tripathi (NTU Singapore), Madhavi Devaraj (Mapua University)

Landscape Analysis Based vs. Domain-Specific Optimization for Engineering Design Applications: A Clear Case
Poster ID: 161
Authors: Roy de Winter (Leiden University), Fu Xing Long (BMW), Andre Thomaser (Leiden Institute Of Advanced Computer Science), Thomas Bäck (University Leiden), Niki van Stein (Leiden University), Anna V Kononova (Leiden University)

XES3MaP: Explainable Risks Identified from Ensembled Stacked Self-Supervised Models to Augment Predictive Maintenance
Poster ID: 162
Authors: Sarala M. Naidu (Mälardalen University, Hitachi Energy), Ning Xiong (Mälardalen University)

Restoration of Material Pore Structure Image Using Transformer Architecture
Poster ID: 163
Authors: Jianwei Pan (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Yi Yin (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Yuanbing Li (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Shujing Li (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Wei Wang (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Zhen Cai (Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Xin Xu (Wuhan University of Science and Technology)

Optimizing Supply Chain Risk Management: An Integrated Framework Leveraging Large Language Models
Poster ID: 164
Authors: Ming Zhao (School of Business, UNSW), Omar Hussain (School of Business, UNSW), Yu Zhang (School of Business, UNSW), Morteza Saberi (School of Computer Science, University of Technology, Sydney)

Neuroevolving Monotonic PINNs for Particle Breakage Analysis
Poster ID: 165
Authors: Abhishek Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Goa), Barada Kanta Mishra (Indian Institute of Technology Goa)

A Comparative Study of Reinforcement Learning-Based Collision Avoidance for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
Poster ID: 166
Authors: Liangbin Zhao (IHPC, A*STAR), Xingrui Yu (IHPC, A*STAR), Xiuju Fu (IHPC, A*STAR)

Data-Centric AI Practice in Maritime: Securing Trusted Data Quality via a Computer Vision-Based Framework
Poster ID: 167
Authors: Ke Wang (IHPC, A*STAR), Ong Qi Hao Tristan (Singapore Polytechnic), Xiaocai Zhang (IHPC, A*STAR), Xiuju Fu (IHPC, A*STAR), Zheng Qin (IHPC, A*STAR)

Inverse Multiobjective Optimization by Generative Model Prompting
Poster ID: 168
Authors: Jiao Liu (Nanyang Technological University), Abhishek Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Goa), Yew Soon Ong (Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang View, Singapore), Puay Siew Tan (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), A*STAR)

Adverse Weather Benchmark Dataset for LiDAR-based 3D Object Recognition and Segmentation in Autonomous Driving
Poster ID: 169
Authors: Dominik Weikert (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg), Christoph Steup (Otto von Guericke University), Sanaz Mostaghim (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg)

UWM-Net: A Mixture Density Network Approach with Minimal Dataset Requirements for Underwater Image Enhancement
Poster ID: 170
Authors: Jun Huang (Southern University of Science and Technology), Zongze Li (Southern University of Science and Technology), Ruihao Zheng (Southern University of Science and Technology), Zhenkun Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology)

Improving 3D Occupancy Prediction through Class-balancing Loss and Multi-scale Representation
Poster ID: 171
Authors: Huizhou Chen (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, National University of Singapore, Desay SV Automotive Singapore Pte. Ltd.), Jiangyi Wang (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore University of Technology and Design), Yuxin Li (Desay SV Automotive Singapore Pte. Ltd., Nanyang Technological University), Na Zhao (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Jun Cheng (Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR), Xulei Yang (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR)

Towards FAIR Workflows for Federated Experimental Sciences
Poster ID: 172
Authors: Gayathri Saranathan (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Martin Foltin (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Aalap Tripathy (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Annmary Justine (Hewlett Packard Enterprise), Maxim Ziatdinov (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Ayana Ghosh (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Kevin Roccapriore (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Suparna Bhattacharya (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Bangalore, India), Paolo Faraboschi (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)

Encouraging Trust in AI-Powered Teaching Tools: Ranking Design Principles
Poster ID: 173
Authors: Raoul RW Dernee (The Hague University Applied Sciences); Hani Alers (The Hague University applied science)*

AI-based Learning Assistants: Enhancing Math Learning for Migrant Students in German Schools
Poster ID: 174
Authors: Vivian Kretzschmar (Stuttgart Media University), Jürgen Seitz (Stuttgart Media University)

A Semi-supervised Model for Automated Classification of AI-related Job Tasks using Bloom's Taxonomy
Poster ID: 175
Authors: Christophe Mbounang Fongang, Michael Vogelsang (University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West), Timm Eichenberg (University of Applied Sciences Weserbergland), Britta Rüschoff (FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management), Anne Stockem Novo (University of Applied Sciences Ruhr West)

A Personalised Learning Tool for Physics Undergraduate Students Built On a Large Language Model for Symbolic Regression
Poster ID: 176
Authors: Yufan Zhu (National University of Singapore), Zi-Yu Khoo (National University of Singapore), Jonathan Sze Choong Low (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology), Stéphane Bressan (National Universityof Singapore)

An Ensembled Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network approach for Automated Classroom Sound Classification
Poster ID: 177
Authors: Rashed Iqbal (University of Wollongong), Christian Ritz (University of Wollongong), Jack Yang (University of Wollongong), Sarah Howard (University of Wollongong), Abigail Copiaco (University of Dubai)

Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction through AI: A Study on ChatGPT in Educational Environments
Poster ID: 178
Authors: Dhruval Kothari (Nanyang Technological University), Owen Noel Newton Fernando (Nanyang Technological University)

The Impact of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Art Generator in Pre-service Art Teacher Training
Poster ID: 179
Authors: Yan Zhou (Zhejiang Normal University)

Effective Generative AI Implementation in Developing Country Universities
Poster ID: 180
Authors: Claudia Camacho-Zuñiga (Tecnologico de Monterrey)